Kinsinger Environmental Consulting

KEC manages projects for a private developers in the U.S. We provide full-service environmental project management and planning with responsibilities that include:

  • Representing clients at Development Plan Review (DPR), Planning Commission & City Council meetings
  • CEQA Environmental Documents (IS/MND/EIR), public meetings & comment response
  • NEPA FONSI/EIS Biological Assessments & incidental take permit negotiation
  • Consistency Analysis for Habitat Conservation Plans, local, state and federal regulations
  • Technical studies including: Biology, Cultural Resources (CR), Acoustics, Traffic, Air Quality / GHG / Energy, SWPPP, WQMP
  • Permitting with U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) & Streambed Alteration Agreement (SAA) and signed Memorandum of Agreement (MOU)
  • Mitigation lands acquisition, agreements and negotiation
  • Monitor and manage project entitlement progress using interactive Gantt charts apps